Aunty's Agony Corner
Hello! It's been far, far too long since I last posted here. A lot has happened, some good, some awful, which I will share in another...
Aunty's Agony Corner
Tarot and Sexy Time.
Fears, superstitions and misconceptions, oh my!
Certification, Tarot Masters and Illusions of Grandeur.
Tea and Tarot with.. Mia Alviz
Ethics? What ethics?
Temperance and Trollops! UK Tarot Conference 2017
Adventures in Tarot: Overcoming my event nerves.
The Autumn Harvest Spread
4 Reasons not to have a Tarot reading!
Why free readings are NOT for the spiritual good.
Tea and Tarot with Sg Frindle.
Notes from the Reading Room : A Sample Love reading.
Quick Keywords : The Majors
Charming the Charioteer.
The 'Detox your life' spread.
Colour in the cards and how to use it.
Tea and Tarot with Avril Price
What's your Super Power? Tarot spread
Great Tarot questions : How to ask the cards what you really want to know.